I think alot of people have heard about the Holocaust and what the people in those days have been through. Well in my school today, we are going to see a Holocaust survivor. He will spaek to us and tell us things about that time. It is going to be so exciting. The Holocaust had began on January 30th abd ended on May 8th 1933. The people in this era had to be tattooted and had to get their hair cut. The women and children had to stand on one side and the men had to stand in one side. It was cruel. The Nazi's also made death camps for people who were handicaps and sick. The survior who came to speak to us at our school was also sick, but got saved by two Nazi soilders. This was a little speech he gave to us. The Holocaust was one of the most terrible things that happend.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010

Do you like taking pictures or watching them? Well I do. The fun and the cool pictures you take are so interesting. Photography is a great hobby that helps you in your art. As you know I love to draw. A way that helps me draw wonderful pictures is by taking fun and goofy pictures. Its all right if your pictures don't turn out good. Its just like drawing,you sometimes mess up and sometimes you do good. The best part of photography is that you take many cool pictures, and then you have memories of that time. Pictures will always be with you if you take them and keep them with you. See how photography can be so good and fun and not boring.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Dogs/ Puppies


Poems is are a way to express your thoughts and feelings. I love writing poems. When I feel sad or happy I express my thoughts by writing poems. Even though my poems may not be that good, I still try to write poems and improve myself. You should try it one time. This is my way of expressing poems and how I write poems.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Art of Drawing

The Crystal Blue Ocean

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Brother & Sisters

Brothers can be misguided by many things.
That's when sisters be their brothers guidance, their love, and their shadows.
Brothers can be far and near,
They can be mean and nice.
But it doesn't mean that the sisters leave their brothers side.
The brothers protect their sisters,
The sisters give love and guidance to their brothers.
The bond that a brother andsister share is to strong to be broken.
Brothers and sisters can stay afar from eachother,
But can neverloose their bond of a brother & sister.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sports is a fun way of playing many games. In sports there r lots of games an there is lots of fun plaing thoses games. But once u start playing the sports or the games, the sport or the games gets competitive. The people playing the game or the sport get really competitve and don't enjoy the game. they jsut want to win. the reall meaning behind playing sports is to ahve fun and enjoy that sport. Sometimes I do to get competitve in a sport or a game. At the same time I do sometimes enjoy the game I'm plaing and have fun. My favorite kind of sport is swimming. I love swimming and playing in the water. Escpecially when it comes to the waves in the water. The nice cool wave hitting your skin. I enjoy it alot. Well this is my favorite sport. I enjoy it alot.
Where is the peace inside u

The sun is rising,
The chirping of the birds is in the air.
People going to work,
Kids going to school,
The animals busy gathering food.
A life in town is so busy.
Where do u find a quiet and peaceful place?
The answer is inside u.
Find the inner u and forget about everything else,
Just relax and enjoy the peaceful moment.
Friday, May 14, 2010

Movies are fun to watch. Do u like watching movies? Most of the day I watch movies.
I aslo eat popcorn and other kind of delicious snacks while watching. The best part of
a movie is its comedy. Watching comedy mocies makes me laugh and crank up. Movies is the time when I just relax and have fun. Romantic movies r soo.. beautiful.
The hearts the flowers, the love, its so magical. Well this is my fun and relaxing movie time.
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